How Else Can I Help?


Fix it up or Move?

Many homeowners struggle with whether it makes the most sense - in terms of effort, expense, and time- to improve the house they've already got, or to sell and find another home that suits their present needs better.

I can help by giving realistic estimates on cost, and time to complete as well as objective advice on changes and improvements to your home to make it work better for you.


Buy it or Not?

You've taken the time to find a real estate agent whose advice you trust about a house you're considering buying, but sometimes it helps to have an unbiased opinion about the house's possible future issues, or  its design potential.  

Knowing you love a house is one thing, but I can help to decipher the pros and cons of a house, so you can make an educated, instead of emotional, buying


And there's more...

  • Paint colour selection to make your home feel better instantly

  • Furniture layouts and "use what you've got" to make your space look and work better

  • Home staging for quick and profitable sale

  • Quick fixes to revitalize tired kitchens, bathrooms, living spaces